International Fisheries Symposium IFS2016  will be co-organized by ASEAN- Fisheries Education Network (ASEAN-FEN), co-hosted by Can Tho University, Nong Lam University, Nha Trang University and Hue University, Vietnam. This sixth Symposium will be organi...

As part of the Tempus project TradPro, financed by the European Commission, a workshop will be held in Montpellier on the 15th to 17th of June 2016. The theme of the workshop is “Governance and change management, in the context of professionalizatio...

Conference at Prince of Songkla University, the ITM-GT Bioscience conference : the Element of Life, December 1-2, 2016 Conference topics : Agriculture and Agro-Industry Natural Products and Pharmaceuticals Biodiversity Biomedical Science and Engineering E...

VNUA will organize a two-day workshop for all university Asifood partners from 22-23 June 2016. As planned in the WP3, the participants will include the coordinator and one teacher per partner’s university.

THAM QUAN: ĐẠI BIỂU ĐẠI HỌC KASETSART Cuộc họp với phái đoàn từ Đại học Kasetsart được tổ chức từ ngày 24 đến ngày 28 tháng 4 năm 2016, do Phó chủ tịch phụ trách nghiên cứu, bà Siree Chaiseri, Ph D, d...